For various reasons, we are specialising in various aspects of our business. We no longer take walk-ins or servicing. Please contact us if you want to know more.
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The Capel Fete is nearly upon us! There is a lot of news on our Facebook page ( and the programme can be downloaded from here: ![]()
Just a reminder that we have a facebook page:
Go and have a look! A lot has happened since the last post on here. We are going to be getting a bit more room, as the computer side of the business looks like getting a new home. In addition, the wheels that were stored in the workshop have a new home, meaning that our collection of frames can have its own storage area!
The Carlton Corsair is going to be picked up by its new owner (photograph below). The Paris "Tour de France" is at the painters and we have finally managed to track down all of the components for it. The Kirk Precision is almost done: The wheels are built and all of the components are here. The Southampton branch has moved on to an early Giant smothered in Campagnolo Athena but with the curious, fairly unusual, Avanti shifters. Despite being Campag's lowliest offering in the mid 1990s, they are becoming saught after as few made it to the UK and their unusual shift tab is unique amongst Campag kit. All the best & more soon! Given that the workshop is nearly finished (yes, other things have got in the way) and spring has suddenly arrived, we thought that it was high time we changed our news letter name. We have been playing "Granchester Meadows" continuously to try to induce even more spring like weather!
There are a whole heap of projects going on - the Carlton is nearly finished and will be out for photos soon, as will the Paris Tour-de France. A Kirk Precision has turned up to be beautified. The famous magnesium framed bike was well known in the late 1970s and early 1980s, with stints on the BBC's "Tomorrow's World" and with a team in the Tour de France: Allegedly, almost a month's production run of frames was pumped into the team to make sure that they got through it with clean looking bikes. The Southampton branch has been putting a Look 576 together and Campagnolo-ing it. Mr Bat has started a discussion on Facebook on the identification of a bike geek, so find it and join in! All the best and we will be writing more soon! Having got so far, the workshop has, again, been very busy. As a result, we have had to delay finishing it off for a while. However, a few things have been going on:
The roof is now nearly finished and should be finished by the next update. There is only a short section of insulation to do and then the boarding. Two long scaffold poles have arrived and will go in to hold working and important bikes. They will go up beyond the working part of the workshop. The vintage wheels and tyres will go to the new tyre store. At the moment, the tyre store is full of doors (a long story). Once they are cleared, the wheels and tyres will go. We have restocked our inner tube stock; so, if you are thinking of starting longer rides, pop in for some. There are ongoing projects and hopefully more on the horizon. After another frustrating few weeks, work on the workshop got back on line. The roof is nearly completely insulated, cladding has restarted and all but two of the lights have gone in. Two new work benches have gone in and the stock rack has gone up. By the end of the week, the door surround will be insulated.
To make the place slightly more comfortable, a speaker system has gone in. Soon, a permanent network connection will go in and the search computer/till will go back in too. There are still two projects running; the Carlton and a stunning Paris "Tour-de-France" has arrived for restoration. More news and pictures soon. Work has been going well this week. There is only a third of the roof left to insulate and board. The lighting on the tool-side of the workshop has almost been connected; the last light fitting has to go up and then the loop needs to be connected to the mains.
Next week will see the installation of another pin board, more insulation will be bought and the roof will be finished off. As always, photos to come. I have some of the snow on the new rain guard above the doors, which I will put up later. Humph, so it started to snow and the temperatures have dropped like a stone. Both of which have meant that the work on the workshop have slowed down to a crawl. I have managed to get some of the wiring done for the improved lighting but little else; the soldering iron has been a great heater for the last couple of days.
Tomorrow, I determined to get the last of the centre aisle's insulation in and have the next selection of cladding up. Sadly, Jason got stuck in Southampton, so hasn't been able to help. Hopefully, things will change soon and we can get on with things. As usual, photos to follow ... |
RWK Bicycles
Royal West Kent Bicycles is a small company that makes any bicycle better. Archives
June 2017